🌹"Love Goddess " Moon Malas necklace
“I CHOOSE LOVE” Activate your heart with Rhodonite and emit infinite peace with Rose Quartz in the "Love Goddess moon mala. This mala is for the Goddesses who want to incorporate all forms of love into their lives. Rhodonite helps foster forgiveness and healing of the heart while Rose Quartz promotes unconditional love of others and yourself. 🌙🌺RHODONITE FORGIVENESS : LOVE : RECONCILIATION Rhodonite stimulates, clears, and activates the heart and the heart chakra. It grounds energy, balances yin and yang, and aids in achieving ones highest potential. A useful “first aid stone” Rhodonite heals emotional shock and panic, lending a supportive energy to the soul. This stone has a strong resonance with forgiveness. Rhodonite helps to promote unselfish self-love and forgiveness. 🌙🌹ROSE QUARTZ LOVE : HOPE : PEACE Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra teaching the true essence of love. Its purified and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep inner healing and self love. It is calming, reassuring, and excellent for use in trauma or crises. Rose quartz gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. If you have never received love, rose quartz opens your heat so that you may become receptive. If you have loved and lost, it comforts your grief. Rose quartz teaches you how to love yourself, vital if you have every thought of yourself unlovable. You cannot accept love from others, nor love them if you love yourself. This stone encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, and it invokes self-trust and self worth. "Love Goddess" Moon Mala necklace is hand-knotted with 8mm Rose Quartz and Rhodonite on 100% silk cord. 108 beads completed with a beautiful Rose Quartz guru stone and a handmade silk tassel. Length: 63mm